Planting green beans is a great adventure, especially when you have taken out your time to choose the suitable pots for plants; that is when careful thought has been ventured into ensuring that the suitable pots for plants are selected. There are two main types of beans, which are bush beans and pole beans; either of the two beans can be grown in pots depending on the choice of the grower. It is only essential that one makes sure that when the selection of the pots for plants is being made, it is done properly and carefully. It is advisable to choose a pool that is about 12 inches deep, if one will be cultivating pole beans, irrespective of the choice of the pots, one will need adequate support for the beans to grow up. The pole beans get to keep producing all season long, and this makes the stress of having to support them worth it; however, there are other options just in case you don’t want to go through the stress of having to raise the support you might need to go through the route of trying a bush variety.
Pots for plants are still one key factor that must be considered even when the right support is given, if the pots are not suitable for the plants we might tend not to get the desired result. This implies that every step requires keenness, from the choice of pots for plants to the type of support that will be given and how it will be given. However, on the other side, bush beans grow shorter and are usually self-supporting, meaning that there is no tomato can or stakes that are needed. The only disadvantage of these beans is that they get to produce only a batch of beans all at once and then stop.
You can always get some other few here and there, but regarding this type that is how it works. There will always have to be replanting or using a succession planting to keep harvesting beans if you choose to grow bush beans. However, there is no doubt that beans can be grown in pots or containers, just that the choice of pools for plants must be taken based on the type of beans that will be planted, as well as the structure and how it will be taken care of. Then one can be sure of productivity at the end of the day.